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The chaos run command

You use the chaos run command to execute your declarative chaos engineering experiments. To see the options that can be passed to the chaos run command, execute:

chaos run --help
Usage: chaos run [OPTIONS] SOURCE

  Run the experiment loaded from SOURCE, either a local file or a HTTP
  resource. SOURCE can be formatted as JSON or YAML.

  --journal-path TEXT             Path where to save the journal from the
  --dry                           Run the experiment without executing
  --no-validation                 Do not validate the experiment before
  --no-verify-tls                 Do not verify TLS certificate.
  --rollback-strategy [default|always|never|deviated]
                                  Rollback runtime strategy. Default is to
                                  never play them on interruption or failed
  --var TEXT                      Specify substitution values for
                                  configuration only. Can be provided multiple
                                  times. The pattern must be key=value or
                                  key:type=value. In that latter case, the
                                  value will be casted as the specified type.
                                  Supported types are: int, float, bytes. No
                                  type specified means a utf-8 decoded string.
  --var-file PATH                 Specify files that contain configuration and
                                  secret substitution values. Either as a
                                  json/yaml payload where each key has a value
                                  mapping to a configuration entry. Or a .env
                                  file defining environment variables. Can be
                                  provided multiple times.
  --hypothesis-strategy [default|before-method-only|after-method-only|during-method-only|continuously]
                                  Strategy to execute the hypothesis during
                                  the run.
  --hypothesis-frequency FLOAT    Pace at which running the hypothesis. Only
                                  applies when strategy is either: during-
                                  method-only or continuously
  --fail-fast                     When running in the during-method-only or
                                  continuous strategies, indicate the
                                  hypothesis can fail the experiment as soon
                                  as it deviates once. Otherwise, keeps
                                  running until the end of the experiment.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Executing an Experiment Plan

To execute an experiment plan you simply pass it to the chaos run command:

chaos run experiment.json
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Validating experiment's syntax
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Experiment looks valid
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Running experiment: My new experiment
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] No steady state hypothesis defined. That's ok, just exploring.
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Action: kill_microservice
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] No steady state hypothesis defined. That's ok, just exploring.
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Let's rollback...
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[2018-01-30 16:35:04 INFO] Experiment ended with status: completed

Chaos Toolkit will log all the steps it follows from your plan in a journal which by default is called journal.json. You can specify the name of this journal output file using the --journal-path option.

Rehearsing an experiment execution

To test that you have a valid experiment you can pass the --dry option.

Run an experiment without validation

You can run an experiment and skip the experiment’s validation using the --no-validation option.

Run an experiment with different steady state strategies

By default, the steady state will be tested before and after an experiment runs. However, you can specify a different strategy through the --hypothesis-strategy parameter. The options are:

  • default
  • before-method-only
  • after-method-only
  • during-method-only
  • continuously

For example:

chaos run ./experiment.json --hypothesis-strategy continuously

Run an experiment with different rollback strategies

In Chaos Toolkit, rollbacks are always played unless one of the two followings is true:

  • the steady-state hypothesis deviates before the method
  • a control interrupted the execution
  • the chaos command receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal

The Chaos Toolkit provides a mechanism (since v1.5.0) that gives the operator a chance to change that behavior.

Always run rollbacks

Ensure rollbacks are always applied

chaos run --rollback-strategy=always experiment.json

Run rollbacks only on deviation

Run the rollbacks only if your experiment deviated.

chaos run --rollback-strategy=deviated experiment.json

Never run rollbacks strategy

Never run any rollbacks, for instance when you want to explore the system after a successful experiment without undoing what the experiment changed:

chaos run --rollback-strategy=never experiment.json

Override configuration and secrets at runtime

While configuration and secrets are declared in the experiment itself, you may sometimes need to override the values at runtime. This can be achieved through the --var KEY[:TYPE]=VALUE or --var-file filepath.json|yaml|.env flags.

The --var KEY[:TYPE]=VALUE can only override configuration values to prevent laking secrets on the command line. The KEY is the final key used in the experiment, for instance:

    "configuration": {
        "message": "hello world"


    "configuration": {
        "message": {
            "type": "env",
            "key": "MY_MESSAGE"

In both cases, the override key is message.

If you specify the TYPE it must be one of str, int, float, bytes with str the default so not required. Chaos Toolkit will try to convert the given VALUE to the specified type and fail if it cannot.

The --var-file filepath.json|yaml|.env gives you the opportunity to override the configuration and secrets blocks. the format of the json and yaml files are as follows:

    "configuration": {
        "KEY": VALUE
    "secrets": {
        "scope": {
            "KEY": VALUE

The secrets block follows the same format as the experiment so the scope is the scope given in the experiment. For example:

    "configuration": {
        "service_name": "ec2"
    "secrets": {
        "aws": {
            "api_token": "1234",
            "something": "whatever"

would turn as the following var file:

    "secrets": {
        "aws": {
            "api_token": "56787"

We are not overridding the configuration section and only part of the secrets section.

Finally, should you keep your variables in a .env file, it will only be able to override the configuration.