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Core Projects

The Chaos Toolkit is made of several projects that work together to provide its service.


The chaostoolkit project is the command-line interface (CLI), in other words the command executed by users to run their experiments.

That project tries to remain as shallow as possible, only providing the user interface commands by gluing other projects together.

This project is implemented in Python 3.


The chaostoolkit-lib project is the core library which implements the core concepts of the Chaos Toolkit.

This project is implemented in Python 3.


The chaostoolkit-documentation is the documentation source and renderer of the Chaos Toolkit. Namely, that project generates the website you are currently reading.

This project is implemented in Python 3 by generating HTML from Markdown documents.


The chaostoolkit-kubernetes project is the Kubernetes extension.

This project is implemented in Python 3.


The chaostoolkit-addons project is a set of addons for Chaos Toolkit: useful controls, probes, actions and tolerances.

This project is implemented in Python 3.


The chaostoolkit-reporting project is a plugin for Chaos Toolkit to create PDF/HTMl reports from executions.

This project is implemented in Python 3.


The chaostoolkit-bundler project is a binary package of Chaos Toolkit and its most common extensions. In case you want a drop in Chaos Toolkit for your system.

This project is implemented in Python 3.