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Extension chaosslack

Version 0.10.0


This project is an extension for the Chaos Toolkit to target Slack.


This package requires Python 3.7+

To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python environment where chaostoolkit already lives.

$ pip install -U chaostoolkit-slack

Slack App

To use this extension, you need to create a Slack app in your workspace. Please follow the Slack documentation to create a basic app:

You can start from this manifest if you want:

  name: Chaos Toolkit events
  long_description: Get live feedback information of all your Chaos Engineering
    experiments executed from Chaos Toolkit. See which experiments deviated and
    investigate their logs directly from a Slack thread.
  description: Chaos Engineering experiments live events from Chaos Toolkit.
  background_color: "#ffffff"
  org_deploy_enabled: false
  socket_mode_enabled: false
  is_hosted: false
  token_rotation_enabled: false
    display_name: chaostoolkit
      - channels:read
      - chat:write
      - files:write

Once your application is created, you may want to set the Chaos Toolkit logo to clarify to your users where these messages come from.

Slack Token

Please follow the procedure on Slack to create a token suitable for API calls made using the Python client. The token should start with xoxb-. You can find the token in your app settings under the OAuth & Permissions page.

The token should have at least the following scopes:

channels:read, chat:write and files:write

Install your Slack app

Once created, you need to install the app in your workspace and invite it in any channel you wish to send events to. This channel will also have to be part specified as a controls argument (see below).

Now you should be good to go!


Currently, this extension only provides a control to send Chaos Toolkit events to Slack channels.

To use this extension, add the following to your experiment (or settings):

"secrets": {
    "slack": {
        "token": "xoxb-..."
"controls": [
        "name": "slack",
        "provider": {
            "type": "python",
            "module": "chaosslack.control",
            "secrets": ["slack"],
            "arguments": {
                "channel": "general"


If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than welcome to do so. Please fork this project, make your changes following the usual PEP 8 code style, add appropriate tests and submit a PR for review.

The Chaos Toolkit projects require all contributors must sign a Developer Certificate of Origin on each commit they would like to merge into the master branch of the repository. Please, make sure you can abide by the rules of the DCO before submitting a PR.


If you wish to develop on this project, make sure to install the development dependencies. But first, create a virtual environment and then install those dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements.txt

Then, point your environment to this directory:

$ pip install -e .

Now, you can edit the files and they will be automatically be seen by your environment, even when running from the chaos command locally.

To run the tests for the project execute the following:

$ pytest

Exported Controls


This module exports controls covering the following phases of the execution of an experiment:

Level Before After
Experiment Loading False True
Experiment True True
Steady-state Hypothesis True True
Method True False
Rollback True True
Activities True True

In addition, the controls may define the followings:

Level Enabled
Validate Control False
Configure Control False
Cleanup Control False

To use this control module, please add the following section to your experiment:

  "controls": [
      "name": "chaosslack",
      "provider": {
        "type": "python",
        "module": "chaosslack.control"
- name: chaosslack
    module: chaosslack.control
    type: python

This block may also be enabled at any other level (steady-state hypothesis or activity) to focus only on that level.

When enabled at the experiment level, by default, all sub-levels are also applied unless you set the automatic properties to false.

Exported Activities




Module chaosslack.notification
Name notify
Return None

Send a chat message to a channel to relate this Chaos Toolkit event.

The settings must contain:

  • "token": a slack API token
  • "channel": the channel where to send this event notification

If one of these two attributes is missing, no notification is sent.


def notify(settings: Dict[str, Any], event: Dict[str, Any]):


Name Type Default Required
settings mapping Yes
event mapping Yes


  "name": "notify",
  "type": "",
  "provider": {
    "type": "python",
    "module": "chaosslack.notification",
    "func": "notify",
    "arguments": {
      "settings": {},
      "event": {}
name: notify
    event: {}
    settings: {}
  func: notify
  module: chaosslack.notification
  type: python
type: ''



Type probe
Module chaosslack.probes
Name get_channel_history
Return list

Fetches the history of a channel up to a certain limit of messages or for the past minutes.

By default no more than 100 messages in the last 15 minutes.


def get_channel_history(
        channel: str,
        limit: int = 100,
        past: int = 15,
        include_metadata: bool = False,
        secrets: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:


Name Type Default Required
channel string Yes
limit integer 100 No
past integer 15 No
include_metadata boolean false No


  "name": "get-channel-history",
  "type": "probe",
  "provider": {
    "type": "python",
    "module": "chaosslack.probes",
    "func": "get_channel_history",
    "arguments": {
      "channel": ""
name: get-channel-history
    channel: ''
  func: get_channel_history
  module: chaosslack.probes
  type: python
type: probe